The Importance of User Experience – The Statistics

Experience (UX) – what it is and some best practices to help improve your UX. If you want to boost your conversion rate and grow your business, UX is something that you really need to take seriously. To help you really understand how UX can affect your business, we thought it would be useful to put together some UX statistics. Nothing speaks the truth more than real, raw data collected by professional data analysts!


  1. 88% of consumers are less likely to return to a site with a bad UX

Ok, so we have thrown a big statistic at you first, but for a very good reason! We’ll just let you take a second to process that. This problem isn’t just limited to websites, Apps that provide a bad user experience will also experience an 88% drop in users.

So if you are finding that the percentage of new visitors arriving at your site is dropping off, UX is a good place to start. Remember, if one person has a bad experience on your website, this negative experience is likely to be shared with their friends too!


  1. 32% of customers will leave a brand they love after just one bad experience

That is a surprising statistic, particularly as this can include customers who have been loyal to your business for many years. You could end up spending a huge proportion of your marketing budget on brand loyalty and referral programmes, only for them to swap to a competitor after one single bad experience on your website. Are you now starting to realise just how important UX is?!


  1. 17% of online shoppers abandon their order due to a difficult checkout process

If you are an e-commerce business, this statistic is for you. Any good web designer or developer will tell you that a simple, clear checkout process is essential for high conversion rates. According to the research carried out in this study, a checkout flow should have around 12 to 14 form elements. Again, it comes down to speed. We live in a generation where we want everything immediately, so the quicker and less painful you can make the checkout process the better.


  1. 59% of websites use pop-up banners or overlay sign-up boxes on the homepage

We completely understand that as soon as visitors arrive on your website you want to capture their data, enabling you to market to them at a later date. However, how you collect this data is key to providing a positive UX. Your website’s homepage is the most important page visitors will arrive on, and sets the tone for the whole shopping experience. Get this wrong by annoying potential customers with aggressive ads or pop-ups, and they will leave straight away.


  1. 45% of users expect content to display correctly no matter what device they use

The importance of mobile responsiveness is often pushed to the bottom of the pile, people often forget just how key it is. With mobile users on the rise, consumers have high expectations when it comes to browsing on their mobile devices. A seamless experience is vital – if a site doesn’t work on mobile, a user is 5 times more likely to move to another site. So if your website isn’t mobile-optimised, you need to get that fixed right away!

We don’t want this blog to be all ‘doom and gloom’, so let’s have a look at some more positive statistics. If you improve the UX of your website, it can have huge benefits for your business:


  1. A well-thought-out, frictionless UX design could increase conversion rates up to 400%

This figure will vary between industries, but you get the general idea… your conversion rates could go through the roof with an improved UX. More conversions = more sales / leads = business growth!


  1. The ROI on UX investments is 9,900%

A study carried out showed that a $1 investment in UX design improvements resulted in a $100 return. If your website is designed with no clear focus on the end user, it will underperform quite drastically. Although improving UX may seem like a costly process, the results are well worth it.


  1. Improving customer experience can raise KPIs by over 80%

This statistic really does highlight the importance of improving the UX of your website. Improving customer experience really is essential, and studies show that companies that take UX seriously show a much higher ROI than those that don’t.

So there you have it, some of the key statistics that show just how important User Experience is when it comes to website design. If you have any questions, our expert team are more than happy to help.

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