7 Ways to Optimise Your Google My Business Listing

Google My Business (GMB) is a free tool from Google to help business owners manage their online presence on the search engine and provide potential customers with important information. You should be using all the resources available from Google as it can provide a business with the boost it needs. No matter if you are an established business or new to the scene, having a Google My Business listing that is optimised is key. Here we discuss seven ways to optimise your Google My Business Listing.

Include Keywords

Traditional SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) uses keywords to help a business’ listing show as high as possible organically (without having to pay) on the SERPS (Search Engine Result Pages). Google My Business works in a similar way. If you include some keywords that are relevant to your business in your business description, Google can use this information to help your business show up higher on the search result pages on relevant searches. Just concentrate on a few key phrases. For example, “domestic cleaning services” or “home cleans” to get you started.

Complete all the sections of GMB listing

There are several areas for you to complete on your Google My Business listing. They are not all mandatory, however you should aim to complete as many sections as you can. The more information you offer in your listing, the easier it will be for Google to pick up. This, in turn, will make it more likely for your business listing to show. Don’t leave anything for the customer to guess or assume. Provide them with as much information as possible and ensure the information you provide is detailed and accurate.

Add Photos

Adding photos can really help take your Google My Business listing to the next step. It has been proven that people are more likely to click on the listings that have photos over ones that don’t. Only include photos that are relevant to your business and not just for the sake of it. Also, ensure you are only uploading high-quality photos. No one wants to see blurry images.

There is space for you to add a profile picture, logo, cover photo and additional photos, so make the most of all of these sections. However, be aware of the dimensions necessary to avoid any stretched images.

Keep your business hours accurate

There may be times that your business does not operate in the usual hours. For example during uncertain times, Bank Holidays etc. Try and keep your business hours up to date. People use Google My Business listings to find up to date information. If you are providing them with incorrect opening hours, it could lead to frustration. It is easier to change your status if you are currently not operating. Alternatively, you can add special day hours which is great for Bank Holidays. You can schedule these hours in advance, so as soon as you know the hours will change, head over to your listing and update accordingly.

Manage customer reviews

One of the great benefits of Google My Business is the fact that it shows customer reviews. These reviews can really make an impact and help people decide whether or not to use your business.

Positive reviews will have a positive effect on potential future customers when they are researching a business. Therefore, you should try and encourage your customers to leave a review whenever possible. You can send them a link directly to where they need to write their review to make it easier for them.

It is important to interact with your customers and this includes through your reviews. Try and respond to all of your reviews. Even the negative ones. Ignoring bad reviews and only concentrating on positive reviews is not a good method to follow. Acknowledging negative reviews and taking them seriously puts your business in a more positive light.

Add Products or Services

Adding your products and services to your Google My Business listing gives potential customers a thorough understanding of what your company offers. Try and choose the most accurate listing to match your business.

Reviews are a vital part of your business which gives people trust and reassurance that your business is safe to buy from, but how do you get more reviews? Google my business is a great step in the right direction.

Make the most of insights

Google My Business also provides you with a free insights tool that provides you with some key information about how customers are interacting with the information on your listing. By studying these insights, you can continually make adjustments to optimize your page even more.

These are some simple ways to optimize your listing but are all crucial. Google My Business is a great platform that can help your business’ online visibility and place you one step ahead of your local competition.

To learn more about Google My Business, get in touch with the DBS Digital team.



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