What to Share on Facebook- Social Media Marketing

Deciding what to share on Facebook doesn’t need to be difficult. Many people share everything. Many people share nothing. Sadly, too many people share the wrong thing which is why Social Media Management Services are here to help you get on track with your social media accounts. In this brief article, we’ll discuss how to…

what to share on Facebook

Deciding what to share on Facebook doesn’t need to be difficult. Many people share everything. Many people share nothing. Sadly, too many people share the wrong thing which is why Social Media Management Services are here to help you get on track with your social media accounts.

In this brief article, we’ll discuss how to approach posting on Facebook and how to build a plan that governs what to share on Facebook.

Know Your Why

There are a few different approaches to having a Facebook page for your business. Some are more effective than others and to make matters a little more complex, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. There is of course, the cavalier approach to Facebook marketing. People who adopt this method will not have a set plan, will not even try to understand how they can improve, and will post whatever they feel like. DBS prefer a more structured method. Not because we like spreadsheets, organisation, and maths, but because we see Facebook marketing as one part of a strategy. It isn’t a single marketing tactic that is doing its own thing. Everything we do on Facebook is tied in with a greater overall strategy. Therefore, to create an effective marketing strategy, we need to understand what we want to achieve from the Facebook page. We need to understand why we’re spending time sharing posts to make sure the posts are effective.

People Buy People

First off, Facebook is not a selling platform. Sure, there’s the Facebook Marketplace and you can run Facebook ads, but as a business page, you likely won’t see much success by trying to sell to your Facebook audience. People don’t go to Facebook to buy. So why even use Facebook if people don’t go to Facebook to buy? Facebook, and social media platforms in general, is one of the best places to convey what type of person you are. People buy people and a huge part of your strategy should be to identify and build your audience. So by sharing posts that strike to raise an emotion within you, you are, effectively giving your audience a little insight into your psyche.

Community Spirit

Think of your community. Don’t limit yourself to posts directly about the products or services you sell. Share posts that strike emotions in yourself and might allow your audience a little insight into you. Share posts about local businesses, local discounts, anything that you might talk to a neighbour about over the garden fence. Help people. Share good things only. Do not share negativity. Share things you wished somebody told you about. We can all share posts about topics that people care about, but people these days are attuned to disingenuous hearts. If you feel strongly about cruelty to animals and our planet and you share articles to support the causes, over time, your audience will expect you to comment on such matters. You won’t have gone out of your way to make sure your audience knows this about you. They will have just learned a little about you over time. How? Because you’re giving a little of yourself away to the people you should care about; your audience. In return for that, you’ll get loyalty and form friendships with people who are just browsers at first but will develop into customers and grow into fans.

Industry Leadership

You can also use Facebook to demonstrate industry leadership. In fact, it’s one of the best ways to show you know what you’re talking about. Your website may be optimised and converting well, but you still have to send people to it and they will only visit your website when they are at point of need. However, people use Facebook while the kettle is boiling, waiting for a bus, standing in a queue…the list in endless, the possibilities are huge and if you work to your marketing strategy, your audience is limited only by geography. Now is the time to share those top tips and interesting content. People appreciate companies that share some tips. It shows that they are not only knowledgeable but that they are personable too.You may need to dedicate an hour to do some research but think of it as time well-invested. Find a Facebook page or an online blog or even better, a video blog with helpful articles and videos about your industry. Maintain a list of these sites and Facebook pages so you can monitor what they post and if a post is practical for your audience, you can share it on your page. Make sure you add a comment as you share the post. You need your audience to know that you agree or disagree with the article, or you might even have something to add that makes the article even more effective.

Putting it into Practice

To summarise the above, break the articles into two topics and create a calendar for what you want to post. Having it laid out and organised will help you get a mix of content and will help you keep on track of what you are posting. Start with a frequency you are happy with even if this is only every other day. Ideally, you should be posting every day or even several times a day but this should only be if you have good content to share and not just for the sake of it. Over time you will become more comfortable with sharing and posting on Facebook. You will also start to learn what resonates with your followers. If you are posting twice a day, consider the morning to post something about yourself. You want your audience to identify with you, so be genuine. You can then post something industry-related in the afternoon. Try to find articles that are worthwhile and that you agree with. Keep the negativity off your Facebook page wherever you can, there’s too much in the world already. So, if you want to build your audience through social media, but don’t know what to share on Facebook, have a think about what it is you’re trying to achieve. Have a think about you might want to read and most of all, think carefully about those businesses that you have a relationship and why you allowed those relationships to develop.

At DBS Digital, we provide Social Media Advertising and Social Media Management so you can make out of Facebook even if you don’t have the time or knowledge. Our dedicated team is here to help. To learn more, make sure to get in touch with us.

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