5 Christmas Digital Marketing Strategy Tips

As much as we hate to admit it, Christmas is very much around the corner. Even before Black Friday has been and gone, the event on any marketer’s content calendar is Christmas. If you are serious about running a Christmas digital marketing campaign, planning is key and there is no time like the present!

Although customers tend to spend a lot of money around Christmas time, there is so much mass marketing out there it can be hard to stand out from the crowd. Let’s have a look at a few ways that you can get your brand heard in the run-up to the big day.

Make your branding festive

We don’t just mean swap your social media profile pictures to a snowy version of your logo! All of your marketing materials need to tie in with the festive period, so think about the bigger picture here. A Christmas banner on your website is a great way to catch the attention of your visitors, and keep this consistent with your email campaigns, brochures etc too. This is a great time to promote products or services that your customers really want to purchase, so create a little festive buzz and see where it goes!

Run a festive social media campaign

Once your designers have created some Christmassy graphics for your website and newsletters, sprinkle some of this on your social media channels too. Remember to build up to Christmas and hook your audience in with a ‘12 days to Christmas’ countdown, or even something special for your VIP customers. A content calendar is key to help keep your team on track, particularly if you are planning on creating some videos to help promote your campaign.

Send out regular email campaigns

Remember to take advantage of all those customer email addresses you have stored. Your promotions need to be sent out in an email as well as being shared on social media. It is time to get creative with your emails though (and your subject lines)… people need a reason to open them and click through to your website. You could even create an advent calendar in the form of an email campaign by sending out a promotional code or new featured product each day. Make the most of the Christmas emojis 🎄🎅 🎁 in your subject line, and try and add personalisation fields where possible too.

Think about launching a PPC campaign

Whether you are a regular user of Google Ads or are completely new to it, this is one of the best ways to ensure you are above your competitors in search engine results pages. Most customers do their Christmas shopping from behind their keyboards, so the more visible you can make your products the better! The best way to start with a PPC campaign is to look at keywords that people would use to find your products. Find the best page(s) on your website to send traffic to, and optimise this for the keywords you have researched. Then all you need to do is set the campaign up, pick a daily budget and get cracking (our team can help with this if you are struggling).

Incentivise your customers

If you have a good profit margin and are able to give your customers a discount or reward, the season of giving is the best time to do this. Even free shipping with orders over a certain amount, or free e-cards are a great way to build loyalty with your customers. Anything that can help entice them to your website and increase your sales during the festive period. Think outside the box where possible!

Do you want to make the most out of Christmas this year? Look no further than our Digital Marketing Services. Discover how we can boost your success. Get in touch with us today

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